Maunakea Land Authorizations Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA)
At the request of the University of Hawaiʻi (UH), Pacific Consulting Services, Inc. (PCSI) and Kaimipono Consulting Services, LLC are conducting research to support an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) addressing proposed future UH land authorizations on Maunakea. Our work includes preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) that will be part of the EIS.
The following link will take you to the Preparation Notice for the EIS. That notice provides details concerning the proposed action and alternatives being considered.
CIA Participation
As part of the CIA process, we are researching cultural practices related to Maunakea, and how those practices may be affected by the various options being considered. The link below will take you to a questionnaire and allow you to complete it on-line. We will be accepting responses to the questionnaire through April 30, 2022.
Alternatively, you may use the form at the bottom of this page to request that the questionnaire be sent to you by text message, email or the U.S. mail.
If you wish to have the questionnaire sent to you directly, indicate in the comment box below the best way to get the survey to you.
Also, you can use this form to let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments regarding the CIA or the EIS being prepared.